MJ tribute

DJ Jaycee Mixtape: Michael Jackson - The Soulful Years
JPeriod Mixtape: Michael Jackson - Man or the Music

I was a typical 80's baby growing up on Michael Jackson, Prince and Madonna. What persisted beyond my infatuations with Purple Rain and Like a Virgin was my fandom for the Gloved one. I had an MJ poster on my wall. I don't remember how I got it or if I asked for it, but it was on my wall. He was rocking a multizippered red leather jacket from Beat It and his nose was only lightly operated on.

As a very young child, I amazed my parents by mastering the VCR (Video Cassette Recorder for you young'ns) for the sole purpose of taping MJ's music videos. When friends and neighbors visited, my parents nudged me to perform. Not to sing, dance or repeat things learned in school - but to show off my VCR skills. Taping, "Time Taping", Record/Pause functions to seamlessly transition from one MJ video to the next. And of course I moonwalked with friends across the living room, through the classroom and around the playground. Even though I became disenchanted with him in the 90's, the Thriller-Bad-Dangerous era of MJ provided the soundtrack to my formative years.


kim said...

this little vignette made me laugh. two lines:

"I had an MJ poster on my wall. I don't remember how I got it or if I asked for it, but it was on my wall."

"Not to sing, dance or repeat things learned in school - but to show off my VCR skills."

love love love it!

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