pageant place

I haven't watched MTV for years - only because its so aggravatingly juvenile. Yes I'm showing my age - but I have no interest in watching spoiled "sweet" sixteeners or clueless california socialite wannabes. At the same time, I'm not one of those old fogeys that pine for the good old days when MTV showed videos. Yo! MTV Raps, the first Real Worlds and music videos were good for my time. Times have changed. Its a different world. © Denise Huxtable.

Nevertheless, I am embarrassed to say that I tuned in to watch Pageant Place. Its not even a guilty pleasure..its just sillyness. Donald Trump's concept is to capitalize on Tara Connor's (last year's Miss USA) drug fiasco/publicity stunt and capture more attention for his Miss Universe franchise. The show shacks up Miss USA, Miss Teen USA and Miss Universe into one apartment and follows their "adventures". The predictable attempt at a dramatic twist is unveiled in the first episode when Tara is brought on to chaperon the pageant girls around the country. A turf war develops between last year's rehabbed Miss USA and the current Miss USA. Not to mention Miss Teen USA was the one who snitched on Tara's white lined escapades.

Lost in all this drama was the reason why I tuned in. I wanted to see how Miss Universe - Riyo Mori represented herself in the show. They spent 5 seconds on her arrival from Japan. Unfortunately for the rest of the show, she was on the sidelines merely reacting to the orchestrated hot mess involving the white American chicks. Hopefully they throw her a bone and let her star in one of the episodes. She seems to have an interesting background.


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