its always sunny in philadelphia

I don't watch that TV show on FX - although I've heard its funny. The title alone is funny because its almost never sunny in Philadelphia. Don't get me wrong, aside from the escalating murder rate and crumbling school system. the city is great (especially if you got money). But there is that pervading toughguy mentality. And in the sports world, Philly ans are notoriously tough. The national media often portrays them as the worst - citing the same examples: cheering Michael Irvin's career ending injury as he laid on the turf, throwing batteries at JD Drew and throwing snowballs while booing Santa Claus.

Aside from those events, their reputation is overblown. While they can be overzealous, they are no more tougher than fans in NY or Boston. I think its more of an East Coast mentality. Philly fans will simply explain it as passion. They are also starving for a championship that has eluded them since the glorious '83 Sixers. To make matters worse, all 4 major sports teams have made the finals only to lose. The Eagles have been the biggest teaser of recent years. Heightening expectations with 4 NFC championship appearances and one Super Bowl loss. This has only intesified the craze and negativity of the Philly fan. This is the one quality I noticed upon arriving in the city years ago. The fans may expect a lot from their teams, but they ultimately expect to be let down. They are prepared for bitter disappointment and are chomping at the bit to unleash their wrath.

But this Sunday gave Philly fans to celebrate for the moment. For once, the Phillies were on the winning side of a historic comeback - erasing a 7 game deficit off the collapsing Mets with 17 games left in the season. I've never heard of a celebration rally for a division championship - but it will be near City Hall on Monday. So for now, everyone will have a bounce in their step, Phillies apparel will litter the streets and everyone in work will be happier. It will be sunny in Philadelphia - at least until Wednesday's playoff opener.


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