sick of going green

I've already talked about grocery cashiers intimidating shoppers into not using plastic bags still made available by their supermarket. I applaud the cause, but there's no need to be all nasty about it. Similarly, this eco-marketing trend is beyond the saturation point. Marketing is all about following trends but the push is so overdone and in your face that its reached the point of insincerity. Yes, its great that people are becoming more aware of environmental issues, but I'm officially sick of everyone going "green".

Are these late-comer companies really concerned about the environment or are they protecting their profit margins by jumping on the latest eco-trend? Any room left on the bandwagon? Any room for my company? Yes, I've been asked by the higher-ups to design a "green" logo promoting our recyclable products on nearly every catalog page. You can guess some of the new headline copy: "Go green, save green" "Green is the new black".

Last week, NBC tried to help its sagging ratings with a Green is Universal campaign, featuring a portion of its Sunday Night Football halftime show in the dark. Although hiding Bob Costas' smug face in the dark may be an improvement, it was just silly . They boasted that broadcasting their show in the dark would save enough energy to power a house for a month. How about all the airmiles they need to travel to cover games? Or how many MPG does John Madden's trailer burn while traveling across the country?


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